Love Cola Week | Oct 1-7, 2023

Every October—and all year long!

Love Cola is a year-round effort to encourage church members to actively serve local schools and community partners. The first week of October every year, we intentionally come together as the Church in Columbia to serve our city and surrounding areas for the sake of the gospel.

“We saw new people step up that had only been attending our church a short while. Volunteers who'd never met served together that day, then got cleaned up and had dinner together that night. We heard from one lady who felt like God was calling her to engage with the church, but never felt comfortable until this opportunity to serve the community came along. One volunteer said God lifted her depression through this chance to serve alongside her church family. Best of all, volunteers have asked: 'When can we do it again?!'

Thank you, Love Cola!”

— Aaron Chovan, NewSpring Columbia

How can my congregation participate in Love Cola Week?

Start with your own local partners, schools, and communities. Reach out and ask how your members could serve alongside them the first week of October. If you support several local partners, maybe ask each Sunday School class, small group, or D-group to adopt a partner. If yours is a smaller congregation, brainstorm creative ways to bless first responders, teachers, or the neighbors surrounding your church. No matter how big or how small, every effort to serve as the hands and feet of Jesus is a win!

Is there a citywide service project this year where we can serve alongside other churches?

There is—the Saturday before Love Cola Week! On Saturday, September 30, Convoy of Hope will host a HUGE community outreach event with upwards of 800 volunteers and 1,000 Guests of Honor anticipated! Held on the grounds of The Meeting Place Church in Columbia, this event is sponsored by Cola Network and Love Cola. All participating churches are encouraged to participate! CLICK HERE to learn more and sign up as a general volunteer, event sponsor, partner organization, or in-kind donor of goods or services. And please help us spread the word!

What Love Cola partners have specific projects during Love Cola Week?

Stay tuned for a complete list, hopefully by mid-June!

Where can I get one of those Love Cola T-shirts?

Church leaders will be able to order Love Cola shirts in bulk later this summer. Convoy of Hope volunteers will receive their own event shirt—sign up now so you don’t miss out!

Share your Love Cola stories!

No matter how your church decides to serve during Love Cola Week, we want to hear about it! Tag social posts with #LoveColaSC and please send your pics and stories our way!